common criteria for information technology security common criteria 信息技术安全共通准则
Common source-Common gate 共源共栅
common-establishment and common-fruition 共建共享
Common-source-common-base 共源共基
common-source-common-gate 共源共栅
rare earth elements lnon rare earth elements 稀土和非稀土元素
common name complex 诗经; 大理石布丁
#2 common 普二级; 晶界析出
(Gm) common mode voltage 共模电压
’allfish’ GH transgenic common carp 转基因(CAgcGH)鲤
2-D great common divisor 2-D公共因子提取
3D common operation picture 摩擦角; 三维态势图
A common commentary 庸言
a common occurrence 司空见惯
a common soldier 列兵
academic journal of the common university 普通高校学报
accepted through common practice 约定俗成
access common system table 存取公用系统表
active common-mode EMI fi lter 有源共模EMI滤波器
Acute common bacillary dysentery 急性普通型痢疾